Copying Old Piano AND NICKELODEON Rolls
Copying old music rolls starts with the reading process. The roll is put into a reader, known as a "scanner". The scanner optically reads the roll and creates an exact electronic image of the roll. Damage to a roll can be edited out at this time.
Using the latest computer technology we electronically "read" old original rolls. Using editing programs we can correct damage and problems in the original rolls (up to a point!). Then we make the rolls with a computer controlled punch that we designed ourselves. We use a strong, stable paper that keeps its size with temperature and humity changes, unlike the old original rolls. Boxes and labels are available.
The resulting file is what operates the roll punch, called the "Perforator". The Perforator is the machine that actually makes the new rolls.
Do you have a piano roll you would like copied? Here's what you need to know.
Besides making copies of piano rolls, we make copies of nickelodeon rolls. The process is similar to that of copying piano rolls, except for the multiple tunes on the roll. Each tune is number stamped on the roll at the time it is spooled onto its core. Here's what you need to know.
We can take your own files and transform them into piano or nickelodeon rolls for you, your family, and your friends can enjoy for years to come.
Imagine standing around the player piano and singing along to such modern day hits as "Rocky Mountain High," by John Denver or "Night and Day" by Frank Sinatra. Or, maybe something by someone you heard on "American Idol." Here's what you need to know.